
About Us

Second Home Services

Design Services


Rent our Casita

Wedding and Honeymoon Planning

Randy's Artwork

Planning a wedding in Taos?
Let us help you plan your perfect Taos Wedding. We have the resources and
experience to put together a total custom wedding package including wedding
photos, reception and even the minister or if you prefer to be more hands
on, we will act as trustworthy consultants who know the local layout. Either
way you'll have someone "on the ground" who can help take the hassle out of
planning a wedding long distance!


Looking forward to that too-good-to-be-true honeymoon?
We can help! The Casita is a perfect honeymoon retreat, complete with
Champagne and chocolates, a licensed masseuse who provides in-casita visits,
and all the privacy you can ask. Just let us know what you wish for and we
can help make it happen.

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